Friday, May 27, 2011

Stuck Like Glue

Molly checks in on me in the bathtub.
     It’s hard to believe I’ve only had her for a very short two and a half weeks. We already have such a tight bond. I give a lot of credit to the tethering period, but I also think we just work and exist really well together and make an incredible team. But sometimes, the attachment does get a little obsessive. 
Like when I take a shower, I have to leave the door open a little way so she can poke her head in and check on me. If I take a bath, then she has to be able to lick me, and if I wiggle down in the bathtub so she can’t reach, she starts whining and pawing at the bathtub. Even if I put her on my bed and walk over like three steps to turn my stereo on, or close the curtains, she has to be right next to me.

     Right after she got spayed, she wasn’t supposed to be going up and down the stairs. It had been about a week, but I still didn’t really want her going up and down, and I wanted a shower, so I asked my dad to watch her while I went to go do that. He agreed, and I went to go take a shower. He left her alone for less than 30 seconds, and she was off like a shot for my bathroom. She sat outside the door and snuffled at me from the crack between the door and the floor, shoving that cute brown nose under as far as it would go. My dad caught her and took her back downstairs, but when he turned his back again, she was upstairs and waiting for me again. Luckily I was out of the shower, and could just keep her with me at that point.

     I don’t mind that she sticks to me like glue. I actually really like it. It’s quite comforting. It was just stressful after the spay when she was supposed to be keeping quiet. She has also started to get jealous if I give the other two dogs any attention. She doesn’t growl or bark, just shoves the other dog out of the way and demands all of my attention. Hopefully over time, she will settle down a bit and realize that I love her, but I also love my other dogs.

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