Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Story thus Far

      Once upon a time, in a beautiful brick house lived a girl named Kelsey. Kelsey lived with her Mom, her Dad, her little sister, two dogs, and her anxiety. Kelsey loved her Mom and Dad, and sister and dogs, but she didn't love her anxiety.

The Evil Anxiety Monster
      After graduating high school, Kelsey tried to go to a beautiful college (also made, ironically, of brick) and found she had not one roommate, but TWO! The Anxiety Monster  had moved in with her! He crippled Kelsey to the point where it was difficult to function on a daily basis, and she had to leave the beautiful brick school and go back to living in the beautiful brick house with her mom and dad and sister and two dogs. Unfortunately, the Anxiety monster followed her home, and had gotten so big, he no longer fit under the bed. it now filled the room and everywhere she went. The only time she felt better was when she was around animals, speciffically dogs and horses.

      The first couple months were  hard. Kelsey spent a lot of time curled up in bed trying to hide form  the Anxiety monster. But that wasn't very effective. So she began to search for other options. At long last, she came across an interesting article online about the effectiveness of therapy dogs with veterans with PTSD.  Then she continued her search and found more and more research that all pointed her toward one thing: she needed to get a dog. A service dog that could go anywhere with her. A dog that could distract her so she didn't have panic attacks. A dog that would make her get up in the morning, because if she didn't it would pee. A dog  that could wake her up when the Anxiety monster snuck up on her, or jumped out from behind corners, or took her for terrifying rides on his transportation of choice, the NightMare.

Then began The Search. She found three companies online, evaluated each, and emailed two of them. Soon she had chosen a company to work with, Oregon Assistance Dogs, and a wonderful trainer named Paul. Paul listened carefully to what Kelsey had to say, and thought long and hard about her situation. 4 months before leaving for school in Montana, at the University of Montana Western, and she needed a functional dog. Then he had a thought: What about Molly? Molly was sweet, and loveable, and super smart. Molly might be able to do it.

So with a good helping of patience, a massive scoop of love, and a dash of hope, Kelsey and Molly began their journey together: THE QUEST FOR COLLEGE!


  1. I am a proud mama of a girl that lives in a brick house and her new pal Molly. The adventure begins!

  2. You are such a wonderful writer Kelsey, and I can't wait to keep hearing all about your adventures with Molly.
    Love, Jessie
